Leicester Travel Clinic

Travel Vaccinations in Leicester: All Types of Vaccines Available

Travel Vaccinations Leicester – Get the right protection

At our Travel Vaccination Clinic in Leicester, we offer a comprehensive range of essential travel vaccinations to ensure your health and safety, no matter where your journey takes you. Our knowledgeable staff are up-to-date with the latest travel advice and will recommend the most suitable vaccinations based on your individual needs. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation, and take advantage of the most popular, in-demand Travel Clinic in Leicester.

Convenient and Accessible Travel Vaccination Services

Our fully-trained pharmacists provide on-site travel vaccinations and assessments at all of our branches. Our most popular branch however is at Brother’s Pharmacy. In addition to our convenient in-pharmacy services, we can also arrange home visits or vaccinate you at your workplace. If this interests you, once again, do contact us.

Travel Vaccinations Leicester

The Assessment and Recommending Vaccines

A travel risk assessment allows our pharmacists to discuss your travel-related risks and recommend appropriate measures to ensure your well-being. Ideally, you should contact us 6 to 8 weeks before your departure, and no later than 4 weeks before. This is to ensure you receive full protection from the vaccines we administer for you. If your trip is sooner, reach out to us anyway – we may still be able to offer crucial travel health information – which will always be free of charge.

During the assessment, our team will:

  • Always conduct consultations, privately and confidentially in our consultation rooms
  • Verify that your routine immunisations are up-to-date
  • Assess your specific health risks
  • Recommend necessary vaccines and/or anti-malarial tablets
  • Vaccinate you there and then if we have the vaccines available. That’s why it’s important to book beforehand, so we can get the stock in.

You should bring your vaccine travel card or any apps with you that hold your travel history information.

Popular Travel Vaccinations and Medicines

We are always updating the range of vaccines and medicines offered from our Travel Clinics in Leicester. We also sell all the Travel Essentials to go with your vaccines, offering the full 360 degree solution

Vaccines for the following:

  • Cholera: Common in Africa, Central America, and Asia, cholera is a bacterial infection spread through contaminated food and water.
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Poliomyelitis: This vaccine may be recommended if you’re travelling to an area with a high risk of contracting these diseases or limited access to medical care, and you haven’t had a booster in the last ten years.
  • Hepatitis A: Found in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and South America, hepatitis A is transmitted through contaminated faecal matter, often via infected food and water.
  • Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is prevalent in both developed and undeveloped countries and is usually spread through unprotected sex, needle-sharing, unsanitary tattoo parlours, barbershops, and nail salons.
  • Japanese Encephalitis: This mosquito-borne disease is found in South East Asia, Japan, and tropical regions of Australia, with occasional epidemics in China and India. There is no cure for Japanese encephalitis.
  • Meningitis ACWY Vaccination for Hajj or Umrah: This bacterial infection is most common in sub-Saharan Africa but can also occur in crowded environments with poor hygiene, such as universities and army camps.
  • Rabies: Rabies is commonly found in Thailand, Brazil, and India and is spread through bites and scratches from infected animals or humans.
  • Tick-borne Encephalitis: This tick-borne virus is present in eastern, northern, and central Europe, as well as eastern Russia, East Asia, China, and Japan.
  • Typhoid: This bacterial infection is a risk worldwide, particularly in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene.
  • Yellow Fever – a serious infection spread by mosquitoes. It’s found in parts of Africa, South America, Central America and Trinidad in the Caribbean.


  • Altitude Sickness: Rapid exposure to low oxygen levels at high elevations can cause altitude sickness, with acute mountain sickness (AMS) being the mildest form. Symptoms include headaches, vomiting, tiredness, difficulty sleeping, and dizziness.
  • Malaria: A potentially fatal disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes, malaria is common in equatorial tropics and subtropics.

Never travel without the necessary vaccinations

Travel Vaccines Leicester

It’s super important to understand that diseases abroad can kill. Stay safe and healthy on your travels with our comprehensive travel vaccination services in Leicester. Our brilliant staff will provide you with personalised recommendations based on your destination and specific needs. Let’s get you booked in and let’s get you travelling safely on the road 🙂

This blog post was written on behalf of Leicester Travel Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.