Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness mostly occurs when one travels to a high altitude too fast.

When you are not able to take in enough oxygen, it becomes difficult to breathe. That’s what happens when you go to a high altitude quickly. Also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), Altitude sickness can accelerate to become an emergency if not attended to. Contact Leicester Travel Clinic to learn more about Altitude sickness in Leicester and Nuneaton.

Your physical fitness, sex, or age don’t determine the risk of you getting altitude sickness. Even if you haven’t heard of it before, you might still get it on your next trip.

What are the symptoms of altitude sickness?

The symptoms associated with altitude sickness normally occur between 6 to 24 hours after you reach altitudes above 2500 metres above sea level.
The symptoms resemble the ones for a bad hangover. They include:

  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling and being sick
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of appetite

The symptoms normally worsen at night.
The sickness is not for mountain climbers only; it can as well affect tourists who travel to cities that are 2500 metres above sea level or even higher. Such cities include Bogotá in Colombia or La Paz in Bolivia.

There is no possibility for one to get altitude sickness in the UK. This is because Ben Nevis in Scotland, the highest mountain in the UK, is only 1345 metres above sea level.

How to prevent altitude sickness

The best method of preventing altitude sickness is by travelling slowly to altitudes over 2500 metres. It typically takes a few days for one’s body to adjust to altitude changes.

You should as well:

  • Not fly directly to places of high altitude
  • Take two to three days to adjust to high altitudes prior to going above 2,500m
  • Not climb more than 300 metres to 500 metres a day
  • Rest a day in every 600 metres to 900 metres you go up or have a rest every three to four days
  • Ensure you drink enough water
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking
  • Keep away from strenuous exercise in the first 24 hours

Get in touch with Leicester Travel Clinic to learn more about Altitude Sickness in Leicester and Nuneaton.