Diphtheria Vaccine

Get your diphtheria vaccine in Leicester and Nuneaton today!

Diphtheria is an infection that’s very contagious and even fatal. It’s known to affect the nose, throat, and skin. Even though the condition is not a common condition in the United Kingdom, still there is a risk of getting it while travelling in some areas across the globe. Ensure that you travel safely with The Local Pharmacies diphtheria vaccine.

How do you catch diphtheria?

Diphtheria disease is very contagious. You can easily catch it through coughs or sneezes. You can as well get it through close contact with an infected person.

It can also be contracted by sharing items like clothing or bedding, cutlery, and cups with a person who’s infected.

What are the symptoms of diphtheria?

Normally, the symptoms begin to show 2 to 5 days following the infection.

The major symptoms of diphtheria infection are:

  • A grey-white coating that’s thick at the back of one’s throat
  • A high temperature of 38C and even more (Fever)
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Feeling sick
  • Swollen glands in the neck
  • Difficulty swallowing and breathing

If it becomes cutaneous diphtheria (affecting the skin), it can cause:

  • Blisters filled with pus on the legs, hands, and feet
  • Large ulcers with red, sore-looking skin around them


Is diphtheria treatable?

The main course of treatment include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Medications to stop the effects of toxins released by the bacteria
  • Cleaning infected wounds thoroughly if diphtheria is affecting your skin

Treatment typically takes about 2 to 3 weeks. Skin ulcers caused by the infection normally heal within two to three months.

Diphtheria vaccination

Diphtheria is not common in the UK because the vaccine is administered routinely to babies as well as children.

Travel vaccination

Any traveller is susceptible to the infection. The best way to prevent yourself from diphtheria as a traveller is to get the vaccination.

If you plan to travel to areas where the disease is widespread, it would be best to consider getting a vaccination. Especially if your last vaccination is over ten years ago.

Diphtheria is most widespread in areas such as:

  • Asia
  • The Middle East
  • Eastern Europe
  • The South Pacific
  • The Caribbean

These high-risk areas can change with time. To get updated information about your area of destination, visit Travel Health Pro country guides.

To find out more about the diphtheria vaccine in Leicester and Nuneaton, contact The Local Pharmacies today!